Sunday, January 7, 2007

Friday, April 28, 2006 - the evil powers of rock and roll

i love the supersuckers

tonight i got to see the scacrilicious sounds of the supersuckers in the same church i first saw them at in 1995. eleven years later, they are still rockin the fuck out.

i mean, please

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these guys are older then i am. its the least you could do but join them... tonight janna and i got to listen to some of the best guitar playing i have heard in a while, not to mention some insane drumming by the agent orange drummer. the venue avalon, nee limelight, was the site of my first supersuckers concert ever, in 1995. i had not seem them live since may 2005. two weeks later (in 05) i met janna, and it was our first bonding to talk about that insane concert. we meant to go to two shows after that but it never worked out, tonight it was on. not the best show the 'suckers have ever put on (the shitty levels, the poor drummer {that was not the guest drummer} and my broke toes hampered that) but it was still more fun then anything else.

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dan "thunder" bolton

a crap day at work was instantly melted away when the guitars started to rock. even standing in the back (which was hard when i *knew*, even without knowing firsthand they would be there, that bill dolan and cpt john o'conner were up front) to keep my foot from being rocked was ok. they played new stuff, eased into "motherfucker be trippin" tracks and then progressed older and older. yehhhhh.

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i loved "evil powers of rock and roll" more then i should, it was a later, poppier album. hardcore fans swear by "musta be high" which is without doubt my least favorite. i only dig it when they keep the country vibe tempered by punk rock and roll. so when they broke into the song "fisticuffs" i pretty much went nuts. of course, so did most of the rest of the crowd, which makes the show all the more fun.

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to digress, when i saw the pixies in camden, nj, we were about four rows away from the back of the huge arena. but the entire crowd had driven from near and far to see that band, and they loved the shit out of being there. when i saw the pixies again two weeks later in manhattan, even though DAVID BOWIE was there, the crowd was too cool to love it. plus, they were playing eight nights, so if you sorta thought you liked the pixies, you could have gone. totally different expericnce, and even though i was four times as close (like 30 ft) from the stage, it was not as good.

every supersuckers show is populated with people who just love the shit out of being there

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they didn't play my favorite song, but they played a lot more i love, and true to form, they rock around the stage changing it all around and up and down tempo-ing the songs. lots of stage kicks and playing over the top of their heads, some really talented guitarists. not to mention eddie spaghetti letting the fans play the axe.

i will never forget my last night (2 mths before demise) at tramps... hellacopters/supersuckers double bill, they threw giant foam devils hands (instead of the big foam 'we're number one' fingers) out at the crowd (everyone was no less then 10 ft away minds you, god LOVED tramps) and after about 5 minutes the crowd tore the fingers into pieces and pelted them back at the band.

the band loved it and played harder.

as long as they keep playing... i'll keep going. long live the self proclaimed "greatest rock and roll band in the world"

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"who are you to judge the life i live? i know i'm not perfect - and i don't have to be, but before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." - bob marley

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