Sunday, January 7, 2007

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - knoxie is coming back to town!!

i just found out this morning that my friend Sarah is moving to Washington DC! this is monumentally awesome news, because this means she moving back to the US after a little under two years in Sydney!

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and i can't wait to go down there and visit. Sarah is unarguable the loudest girl i had ever known (until i met Laurenn, now it's a standoff). she went home to Syndey to work on creating the first known ligament substitute, and i am sure whatever biochemistry marvel shes coming to DC to create will be just as earth shattering. yet, with all those brains, she is still knows how to have a blast, and she has got amazing taste in music. something tells me when she moves to DC, especially since my friends Blythe and Carl have just moved there as well, i'm finally going to realize my dream of going to see a show at the 9:30 club.

Sarah and i once went to a Rocket From The Crypt, arguably my favorite band of all time, show at bowery ballroom. the opening act was this old school punk dude Sonny Vincent, and he played pretty well, it was an enjoyable appetizer. but after the amazing RFTC show, as Knoxie and i were making our way down to the bathroom, we run smack into him. Vincent was wearing more makeup then the both of us combined, including sparkly blue eyeshadow. Sarah doesn't miss a beat, she slapped him heartily on the back, "great show mate," she bellows, "outstanding!" Vincent, who also happen to be about 6' 5" and reedy as a rail leans down to thank us and before our alcohol addled brain knew what was happening, kissed us both on the lips. again, more lipstick then either of us...

Jim and Sarah
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those are the kind of things that seem to happen around Sarah, and i am getting excited at the prospect of more shenanagins!! she inspires me to pronounce "minn-a-sota" the correct way. her sister was in New York this past spring and joined me for Career Club's first show ever. she was pretty quiet and i assumed not having a good time, it was a small show and everyone knew everyone else, but she went back to Sydney telling Sarah she was, "absolutely moving to New York." the email where she recounted this to me, Sarah shot back, "not before i bloody move back first!" now they both can have their wish.

Toddy, Sarah and super drunk me
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i am brimming with excitement over this news, and hope for more memories like this with Sarah, seen here with drunken Canadian Will, at the infamous after-party of Eric and Colleen's wedding.

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"who are you to judge the life i live? i know i'm not perfect - and i don't have to be, but before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." - bob marley

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