Sunday, January 7, 2007

Wednesday, July 05, 2006 - the other 1%

considering how freakish logical i am 99% the time, it is almost frightening how irrational i can be about so many things.

like the following:

- i am convinced there is an egg sack of some mutant strand of city bugs somewhere in my house that will eventually hatch into something of outbreak sci-fi movie proportion -

- every time i have a sore throat, i am totally dying -

- i am forever (and have always) assumed that i am doing a bad job and will get fired tomorrow -

- that whatever city bus i get on, even if i check the number thrice, is the wrong bus and an express that will not let me off and take me far, far away -

- every bump i ever hear in the middle of the night is someone, probably a crackhead, breaking into my apartment -

- or a vampire -

this is why i am not allowed to watch scary movies, i have enough crazy thoughts in my head without someone putting more in there.

the worst part is, i am totally conscious of the fact that these far-fetched, ridiculous paranoid thoughts are just that. but i cant stop thinking them. or believing them. especially the vampires. i know i am already pale as shit, if i ever start only showing up after dark...

i mean, seriously, have you *seen* the shadows in my bedroom? it may be the chimmy on the roof next door but in a strong wind, it looks like it could be a very large monster...

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"who are you to judge the life i live? i know i'm not perfect - and i don't have to be, but before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." - bob marley

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